Unsere deutschsprachige Kundenbetreuung undunser Engineering unterstütz Sie gerne direktund lokal.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage.
Kontaktadresse Deutschland
Telefon:+49 (0)7531 8914 993
Adresse:Lohnerhofstrasse 278467 Konstanz
Büro Schweiz und Kontakt Österreich
Telefon:+41 (0)71 669 17 85
Adresse:Oberstrasse 48274 Tägerwile
The year 2020 passed with an impact onto the world caused by Covid-19. We sincerely thank you for your continued support to Finecables® during this unusual year, and we believe that the world can control the epidemic to welcome a better tomorrow.
However, to celebrate the traditional Chinese New Year, Finecables® will take a break for this holiday, as below scheduled:
Holiday time: 09th Feb. (Tuesday)-17th Feb. (Wednesday)
As the bell of the New Year is about to ring, Finecables’s here sending our best wishes to you and your loved ones!
A Happy and Healthy 2021!
Finecables Team